Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Changes

Since I did not write a single word in here in the whole month of March, it is about time.  Lots has happened and the biggest news for me is that I will be spending the entire summer in Maine!  My youngest beloved grandchild, Eli, almost 5, is being bullied in daycare and his parents are very unhappy about it, of course.  They asked me to come up asap and release him from the daycare situation until he starts kindergarten in September.

 I have never been away from my house that long before and will miss it.  I am hoping everything will be ok as I will put lots of Borax under the baseboards to keep out the ants & cucarachas.  I will keep the overhead fans on to circulate the air.  I also buy that stuff called "Damp Rid"to put in the closets to absorb humidity. (I do not have central AC).  I imagine I can have my mail forwarded and will suspend my internet svc & TV.

It is gorgeous here in Florida right now so I am enjoying it fully with my occasional power walks on the beach.  It is finally warming up quite a bit.  Yesterday I dipped into the ocean for the first time this season.  I did not put my head under it doesn't quite count, really.  It just wasn't warm enough.  I've also been weeding and mulching my little front yard...quite a big job.  I need a lot more mulch.  I put cardboard down first, then the mulch.  That should keep the weeds down for a while. I will just have to pray for rain over the summer since I have no one to water it all.  It will be alright.  I have neighbors who will watch over the place.

I am excited to see Eli!  It has been about a year, I think....much too long.  But this long spell will make up for it.  I am bringing my little traveling watercolor kit and some pastels and different kinds of paper....and a sketchbook too, of course.  We will have lots of fun.

The most dramatic thing that has happened to me lately is that a dead tree blew over and landed on my car!  I was parked at my daughter, Eliza's, apartment complex on March 24 and it had been raining.  Suddenly a very powerful gust of wind came up and knocked at least half of the tree off and CRASH!  I am very grateful to the apt owners for replacing my smashed windshield and they have agreed to fix the dents in my roof as well.  Wonderful!

I have my list going for what to bring and what to accomplish before I go....the clock ticks by so fast.  I will miss my two sweeties here, Elsa & Marcos, but I shall return....and I shall send them notes.

That is it for now....ta ta everyone....I will attach a photo of the very skilled glass guy removing my windshield.

Kate        ps   I re-posted my camellia drawing since my little shrub has been blooming like mad.