Friday, September 6, 2013

Another New Chapter....

Here it is early September, 2013, and I have not written anything in here since June!!  I don't really have an excuse altho I thought about it many times.  I have been staying in the same place all summer, here in Maine, with my 5yr old grandson, Eli, and his mom, Angela.    His dad is my son, Jake, who now has his own little place nearby and so life is more peaceful since everybody has more personal space.  Well, except for me, but that's OK.  I am returning to my home in Florida next week.  I can hardly believe that 4 months have already gone by.

Eli is now in kindergarten...full time!  Just a few years ago the little ones went for only a half day.   What happened?  It is easier for working parents this way, but I'm not so sure about the kids.  He takes the school bus too.  It is crazy to see him climb up those tall steps in the morning as he boards and then plunk down into one of the front seats.  His mom is able to get some info about school activities out of him because she asks him as soon as he returns.  He likes it overall.   So my job is over here for now.   I'll be in touch regularly to hear about his progress.  Of course, I will return as often as I can.  I am hoping that Angela will soon buy her own house so we (daughter & 2 kids & I) can all come up for Christmas vacation, or as soon as possible.   My grandkids in Florida have never seen snow!

New chapter for my daughter in Florida too.  She is planning a move to Miami but will move back in with me for a while until her husband returns from India.  He is embroiled with heavy family drama (she suspects...he is out of communication range)and stuck there for now.  She doesn't want to move without him....too big a decision & too much work alone.  We will be squished but we did it before and it is only temporary.  We will have fun.

I received a grant, fortunately, to obtain a new roof and a new septic system....a Very Big Deal!  They just put on the roof and the rest may be happening the day I return or the week, certainly.....the timing is crazy!    

Astrologically speaking, (a favorite topic of mine), it is a VERY intense time and it sure is playing out that way for many people that I know and love.  The moon is still in Virgo & the sun is in Virgo still and we just had a new moon that has been urging us to clean up our homes, get rid of clutter, re-affirm our goals, and get with a program for health...a cleaner diet and exercise!  Virgo is an earth sign and all about getting it done and there has never been a better time to visualize & implement the changes we want in our lives than right now.

I will write more often when I am home again.  Love and Good Health for you all!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Is Here!

What an intense time we are in!  Not only is it the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, (officially yesterday, June 21, 2013, Northern Hemisphere), but tomorrow morning, June 23rd, the Super Full Moon occurs at 7:32am EDT in Capricorn, the sign of Getting Things Done!!  It is a great time to further one's career especially when using one's natural talents and gifts.  Did you know (I didn't) that 2 days before & after the Solstice, both hemispheres of the planet AND the human brain are in harmony with each other....a jump in Evolution for Human Consciousness!! (Boy, do we ever need that!!) Astrologer Elizabeth Peru is my source for that information.  She suggests looking back to where you were a year ago....we are now half way through 2013!  Do you need to readjust your course in order to achieve a better outcome?  Now is the time.  Make it a Personal Celebration, she says.  Show yourself Love & Appreciation...Don't push too wait.  Of course that does not mean to sit around and do nothing, but while we work toward goals, we need to patiently wait for the outcome.

Here in Maine we are having beautiful summery weather AT LAST!  Overall. it was a very chilly and often rainy spring....jeans & long sleeves everyday and sometimes even fleece!  But now it is almost a heat wave and we'll take it!

Now to give a local illustration of the SUPER MOON, which, obviously, does not necessarily manifest in positive ways, my 5 year old grandson, Eli, broke his arm 2 evenings ago in just the few seconds it took for his mom to run into the house for something.  He stood up on the arm of a chair on the patio and it tipped over...OUCH!     Then, last night,  Eli's mom, Angela, returned home late at night from her grueling restaurant job and her dog barked so much at her arrival that  I opened the door for him to run out and greet her.  Bad idea.  He suddenly took off after something and seconds later had been sprayed by a skunk!!  Bad Bad Bad!!  Poor Angela....she was exhausted and yet she gave him 4 BATHS with various ingredients recommended for killing the smell (first with tomato soup, then with vinegar, bk soda & a little dish soap, then dog shampoo, etc).  There wasn't any choice.  She hasn't slept much.

On a much happier note, I have been seeing fireflies every night in the wild area behind the apartments here.  What a thrill!  I wasn't sure if there were any left, it had been so long since I'd seen any.  But then I haven't been in Maine in the summer in years.  They are boiling away in Florida right now.

My final thoughts regarding the Solstice & the Super Moon energy are about the thousands of people around the globe who are rising up and protesting governmental corruption and injustice.  Please join me in visualizing peace and well-being for all and a swift end for the despots.  So be it...for the highest good.

The portait above is Eli, age 5.  The hydrangeas are from Mothers', love.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spring in Maine

It has been embarrassingly long since my last post.  I'd like to get into the habit of more frequent,  brief posts.    Well, here I am in Maine, hanging out with Eli, my grandson, just turned 5, and very cute.  He loves to draw robots (he's good at it) and LOVES playing Donkey Kong.  I told him I cannot understand why it is called that when there isn't a single donkey in it....mostly gorillas...

The weather has been quite different from what I left in Florida, even though we were having a rather cold spring there.  When I arrived here over 2 weeks ago, it was lovely and warm enough for sandals, which I was wearing....nice!  But, in typical Maine fashion, the temps have dropped and remained in the 50's & 60's and it has been raining for many days in a row now.  I choose not to complain about rain, however, because it is bad luck and sure beats a drought.  It is also a whole lot preferable to a devastating tornado like the poor folks in Oklahoma endured....those that lived through it.  But with or without rain, it is absolutely gorgeous here!  Fruit trees are all in flower, white & different shades of pink.  The other deciduous trees have all leafed out and the evergreens have many new shoots.  Then there are the flowering shrubs like azaleas, rhodadendron and forsythia....Enthralling!!  Tulips and daffodils are out too.  Anyway, when the rain finally stops I look forward to digging up a bit of ground behind this apt. and planting primarily in pots.  I just have to plant.  I'll do herbs and some flowers and a few veggies with low space requirements (no squash or melons) in the small ground area.  My best gardens ever were here in Maine, where I lived for many years.  I am planning to divide all my time between the 2 states as grandkids are the bottom line for me.  It makes it easy to decide where to be.

Speaking of gardening, I came across a wonderful website about a family that does it all on a small lot in Pasadena, California.  They have less than a half acre near Los Angeles, and grow enough food for 4 of them to live on and sell the surplus...they raise bees for honey, goats, rabbits, and chickens.  The four are a family of a dad, Jules Dervaes, and his 2 daughters and son, all grown.  Jules has a very interesting history which y'all can read about on their website:  The son, Justin, even creates bio-diesel right there at the place!  It is very inspiring to me and I wonder how they are going to keep the place humming once the "kids" decide to marry & raise families somewhere else. Anyway, they have become quite well known and give classes and write a blog and make tv and other appearances.    I'd be delighted with such a life as long as there are enough people sharing the chores so that I can get some painting done.

I have done a few sketches and will share one or 2 here and will write again when the weather warms up.  I miss my 2 sweeties in the south but am happy to be here with the third's all good.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Changes

Since I did not write a single word in here in the whole month of March, it is about time.  Lots has happened and the biggest news for me is that I will be spending the entire summer in Maine!  My youngest beloved grandchild, Eli, almost 5, is being bullied in daycare and his parents are very unhappy about it, of course.  They asked me to come up asap and release him from the daycare situation until he starts kindergarten in September.

 I have never been away from my house that long before and will miss it.  I am hoping everything will be ok as I will put lots of Borax under the baseboards to keep out the ants & cucarachas.  I will keep the overhead fans on to circulate the air.  I also buy that stuff called "Damp Rid"to put in the closets to absorb humidity. (I do not have central AC).  I imagine I can have my mail forwarded and will suspend my internet svc & TV.

It is gorgeous here in Florida right now so I am enjoying it fully with my occasional power walks on the beach.  It is finally warming up quite a bit.  Yesterday I dipped into the ocean for the first time this season.  I did not put my head under it doesn't quite count, really.  It just wasn't warm enough.  I've also been weeding and mulching my little front yard...quite a big job.  I need a lot more mulch.  I put cardboard down first, then the mulch.  That should keep the weeds down for a while. I will just have to pray for rain over the summer since I have no one to water it all.  It will be alright.  I have neighbors who will watch over the place.

I am excited to see Eli!  It has been about a year, I think....much too long.  But this long spell will make up for it.  I am bringing my little traveling watercolor kit and some pastels and different kinds of paper....and a sketchbook too, of course.  We will have lots of fun.

The most dramatic thing that has happened to me lately is that a dead tree blew over and landed on my car!  I was parked at my daughter, Eliza's, apartment complex on March 24 and it had been raining.  Suddenly a very powerful gust of wind came up and knocked at least half of the tree off and CRASH!  I am very grateful to the apt owners for replacing my smashed windshield and they have agreed to fix the dents in my roof as well.  Wonderful!

I have my list going for what to bring and what to accomplish before I go....the clock ticks by so fast.  I will miss my two sweeties here, Elsa & Marcos, but I shall return....and I shall send them notes.

That is it for now....ta ta everyone....I will attach a photo of the very skilled glass guy removing my windshield.

Kate        ps   I re-posted my camellia drawing since my little shrub has been blooming like mad.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

2013 - Year of the Black Water Snake

On February 10, 2013, the Black Water Snake of the Wetlands, according to Chinese Lunar astrology,  arrived.  Also called the Year of the Hybrid Serpent, the sensual snake brings cosmic awareness, sage spirituality and integration with Source/Maker/Spirit.  The snake is about wisdom, intelligence, and self-control which may come in handy when the unexpected happens.  The intense Dragon Year of 2012 is replaced by the deep-feeling water snake...more subtle, yet sneaky.

I have to mention that some pretty awful events have occurred in snake years: ie, the twin towers tragedy of 9/11; the Pearl Harbor attack, as well as the 1929 stock market crash, all fast, aggressive strikes.  The best advice in a snake year, therefore, is to be aware, prepare, or beware.  Fortunately, the water snake is predicted to be better behaved than the others.  The snake supports added responsibility...likes protection and a safe place to work and is a year to make headway in slow and methodical ways.

The snake moults from 1 to 4 times a year and so this year is about transformation in more than one way.  This is a good year to shed some outdated beliefs, opinions, and ways of doing things that, like an old skin, served you in the past, but now must go to make you faster and more nimble...and able to get rid of unwanted parasites.    There can also be unexpected transformations which may not manifest outwardly, but there can be plenty of activity beneath the surface.  There will be secret negotiations and plenty of clandestine activity, including love affairs.  Hmmmmm  ( We will be watching the news!)

The snake year can be very good for business and finance, as well as detail work, such as research and investigation, as long as we focus on steady progress and self discipline.  The snake is the most enigmatic, intuitive, introspective, and refined of the animal signs and it has that sneaky energy that can be to your advantage if you look for holes in the loop that can take you further than others in your field.  Many will feel new-found ambition to greatness and being all one can be...what can be better than that?

So, remember to prepare for the unexpected and volatile situations by carefully evaluating the pros and cons before acting, whether in job searching or in romance.  Do your consumer reports, do background checks on prospective employees, expand your skill set for employment, stay in shape.  Image is important.   And  just as importantly, heed your the signs, the hints, the red flags.....after all, the water element is emotive, compassionate, and perceptive.....and snakes have acute vibratory sensitivity in the air around them and on the ground...Native American wisdom would advise us to honor the animal medicine and Be Snake.