Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Is Here!

What an intense time we are in!  Not only is it the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, (officially yesterday, June 21, 2013, Northern Hemisphere), but tomorrow morning, June 23rd, the Super Full Moon occurs at 7:32am EDT in Capricorn, the sign of Getting Things Done!!  It is a great time to further one's career especially when using one's natural talents and gifts.  Did you know (I didn't) that 2 days before & after the Solstice, both hemispheres of the planet AND the human brain are in harmony with each other....a jump in Evolution for Human Consciousness!! (Boy, do we ever need that!!) Astrologer Elizabeth Peru is my source for that information.  She suggests looking back to where you were a year ago....we are now half way through 2013!  Do you need to readjust your course in order to achieve a better outcome?  Now is the time.  Make it a Personal Celebration, she says.  Show yourself Love & Appreciation...Don't push too wait.  Of course that does not mean to sit around and do nothing, but while we work toward goals, we need to patiently wait for the outcome.

Here in Maine we are having beautiful summery weather AT LAST!  Overall. it was a very chilly and often rainy spring....jeans & long sleeves everyday and sometimes even fleece!  But now it is almost a heat wave and we'll take it!

Now to give a local illustration of the SUPER MOON, which, obviously, does not necessarily manifest in positive ways, my 5 year old grandson, Eli, broke his arm 2 evenings ago in just the few seconds it took for his mom to run into the house for something.  He stood up on the arm of a chair on the patio and it tipped over...OUCH!     Then, last night,  Eli's mom, Angela, returned home late at night from her grueling restaurant job and her dog barked so much at her arrival that  I opened the door for him to run out and greet her.  Bad idea.  He suddenly took off after something and seconds later had been sprayed by a skunk!!  Bad Bad Bad!!  Poor Angela....she was exhausted and yet she gave him 4 BATHS with various ingredients recommended for killing the smell (first with tomato soup, then with vinegar, bk soda & a little dish soap, then dog shampoo, etc).  There wasn't any choice.  She hasn't slept much.

On a much happier note, I have been seeing fireflies every night in the wild area behind the apartments here.  What a thrill!  I wasn't sure if there were any left, it had been so long since I'd seen any.  But then I haven't been in Maine in the summer in years.  They are boiling away in Florida right now.

My final thoughts regarding the Solstice & the Super Moon energy are about the thousands of people around the globe who are rising up and protesting governmental corruption and injustice.  Please join me in visualizing peace and well-being for all and a swift end for the despots.  So be it...for the highest good.

The portait above is Eli, age 5.  The hydrangeas are from Mothers', love.

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